Development phases
Golf Course Design Services
We have learned from working with clients from around the globe that every golf course builder is not created equal. Similarly, every golf course has a unique set of factors that must be considered in order to determine the best approach. That is why Golfplan takes time to discuss in great detail your goals, budget and schedule to make sure we satisfy the criteria for success.
Using this critical input and our thorough knowledge of the site it self, we create the vision for your landmark project.
The work shall be performed by Golfplan in Phases as follows:
Phase I Preliminary and Final Master Plan.
Phase II Construction Working Drawings, Specifications and Details.
Phase III Construction Consultation, Inspection and Turfgrass Establishment services.
Phase IV Shaping & Supervision Services.

Click here to learn more about our unique approach to golf course design.
- Meet with Owner and Owner’s representatives to review and discuss Owner’s objectives and requirements. Review and analyze market demand and economic factors, existing site conditions and local climatic data, evaluate current regional conditions, and collect reference and background data to fulfill the overall project scope. Assessment of site environmental factors and opportunities is provided.
- Prepare a conceptual design plan for the golf course, showing alternatives dictated by project site. Planning includes golf course, golf clubhouse site, vehicular circulation, conceptual entry way as appropriate. Land use planning for adjacent area real estate development and/or resort development can be provided, in addition to real estate development scoping and phasing consultation.
- Revise and refine preliminary conceptual master plan drawings in accordance with directives of owner and site review determinations. Review design concepts on-site. On-site centerline and environmental compatibility assessment can be provided.
- Work in collaboration with Owner’s other project consultants to prepare comprehensive illustrative land use master plan for the project site.
- Develop final master plan for golf course in full collaboration with Owner and other project consultants, including Owner’s golf clubhouse architects. Meet with Owner and other project consultants as necessary to review and discuss on-going design and planning services. Review design concepts on-site. Coordinate design studies with environmental factors.
- Prepare final master plan for construction of the golf course. Clubhouse area, practice area, vehicular access, parking, maintenance area, lakes and irrigation reservoirs shall also be detailed. Prepare full color renderings of final master plan, suitable for display purposes. Prepare illustrative sketches of pertinent golf course scenes in full color rendering. Clubhouse planning consultation can be provided.
- Prepare necessary golf course working drawings, detail drawings, and associated graphic illustrations required for the construction of the golf course, including, but not limited, to the following: Centerline staking, feature staking, site clearing, bulk and rough earthmoving, subsurface drainage development, finish contour grading, irrigation system and pumping plant engineering, individual putting green contour detail plans, fairway bunker drawings, landscape tree planting, cart paths and turfing plans.
- Prepare written technical construction specifications and detail drawings to complement working drawings for the golf course builder and construction team. Provide specifications for irrigation system and pumping plant installation, including subsurface drainage and landscape tree planting.
- Prepare construction bid and quantity take off documents.
- Advise and assist Owner in obtaining and evaluating bid submittals and negotiating proposals for golf course construction. Advise and assist Owner in the selection of project construction contractor(s), including assistance in the evaluation of all construction contracts.
- Provide consultation and interpretation to Owner regarding implementation of golf course construction working drawings and specifications during preparation and through pre-construction period, including on-site consultation. Periodically make confirmatory on-site plan checks during preparation of working drawings.
- Maintain liaison with consultants engaged on the project or related facilities throughout this Phase of the work, especially clubhouse architects; coordinate landscape design program for overall project with landscape planting for clubhouse and golf course.
- Revise golf course working drawings and technical specifications at Owner’s direction prior to construction.
- Assist in arranging for on-site preparation of turfgrass nursery.
- Participate in any official Owner-organized launching or ground-breaking ceremony.
- Provide consultation, guidance and coordination with owner’s representative and the golf course builder during pre-construction and construction phases on an as-requested or as-needed basis. Coordinate with local environmental authorities and planning agencies.
- Provide on-site inspections of the various facilities and installations during the construction and turfgrass establishment period of the golf facilities. Site visits for inspection or consultation purposes may be performed by golf architectural personnel, landscape architect, construction inspectors, golf course builder, maintenance and turfgrass specialist, construction manager and irrigation system engineer as is appropriate.
- Provide visits by turfgrass specialist during turfgrass establishment for the purpose of consultation contributing to the proper establishment and maintenance of the turfgrass. Provide consultation and advice regarding design of golf course maintenance building.
- Advise Owner in selection and procurement of turfgrass maintenance equipment, irrigation system and pumping plant equipment as required for initial construction works and long-term turfgrass maintenance.
- Provide periodic consultation and guidance regarding overall landscape development for the project site as infrastructure, vehicular roadways and clubhouse are constructed and/or installed, through the official opening of the golf course for play.
- Assist Owner in selection of full-time golf course turfgrass maintenance superintendent, if necessary.
- Services of a full-time construction superintendent during the construction of the golf course. The Construction superintendent would be responsible for overseeing and directing golf course construction and irrigation installation works. He would also coordinate his efforts with the General Contractor for the project as needed.
- Services of a qualified contour shaping specialist during the construction of the golf course. Shaping specialist would supervise contractor personnel during shaping of all golf course feature elements, and may also directly perform contour shaping of greensites, sand bunkers and important contoured fairway areas.
Additional Services
The following services may be provided by consultant upon Owner’s request. Fees and terms for each of these services will be negotiated as a separate addendum to the golf course design contract.
- Turfgrass maintenance consulting services on a long-term basis, upon completion of construction and opening of the golf course for play.
- Landscape design services for the clubhouse, entry roads, or related facilities.
- Services of a full-time golf course superintendent for ongoing golf course maintenance.